Embers of desire glowing deep within you right now are already attracting the outcomes you want.

Your choices determine whether you will achieve them or not.

During the Lombardi Era, America’s soundtrack played on Top-40 radio stations. After a sudden move to the godforsaken hinterlands in the Upper Peninisula of Michigan, tuning in nightly to WLS or WCFL, 50,000-watt blow torches back in Chicago saved my life. Selling radio advertising for a rock station in Milwaukee turned me into a marketing mercenary. Shanghaied by a radio comedy syndicate that ran an ad agency as a cover, I was minding my own business when the local drag strip owner dared me to go into business for my self. Out Of My Mind Advertising And Related Mischief opened to handle radio promotions and advertising for his track and a few other swell clients.

Radio has always been my favorite medium, and in Key West I became the favorite medium on the radio. Stumbling up from sales to take the helm as GM, my duties grew to include faithful sidekick on The Lethal Breakfast Morning Program. Upon dropping the news at the top of the hour over the Hellcaster's Peter Gunn Theme, Uncle Rog would then kibitz with the host, Brother Kent. Whenever another voice was needed to arbitrate one of our deep, philosophical debates or just to fill time until the next commercial break, characters like Swami Raj would chime in.

My process for creating character voices is to try imitating someone famous who sounds like I hope to sound. Swami Raj begins as my imitation of Dana Carvey’s imitation of Deepak Chopra. The result sounds like neither but, more importantly, sounds nothing like me while still catching the cadence and lilt of the potential positivity of Deepak. Brother Kent summoned Swami Raj to predict the winners of important events, like the MTV Music Awards or The Texaco Billfish Tournament. 

Swami Raj’s mantra ‘Believe and You will Receive’ mirrors my own belief in the Law of Attraction. During the billfish tourney one year, an angler called asking Swami Raj for help and the service of Bait Enchantment was spawned:

Let Swami Raj Enchant Your Bait, and Your Bait Will Catch More Fish!

Calling back Monday, that angler thanked Swami Raj profusely for his second-place finish! Calls for Swami Raj continued, and to keep up with Bait Enchantment requests, swamiraj.com went live with a simple form. Along with your name and email address, requests include the date, time, and location of your intended catch, along with the type of bait you will use. Every Law of Attraction success story begins with a clearly stated goal.

Swami Raj responds with an email assurance that the bait has been “zapped with positive, fish-catching vibes.” All that remains is for the sender to Believe and then do what they were gonna do anyway. Seer? Sage? Soothsayer? Nope. Swami Raj simply gets folks to believe in themselves. Despite that, testimonials came in with gratitude for many great hauls, and the sale of at least one restaurant. The Law of Attraction works today just as it has for thousands of years.

Grateful for job offers and dream gigs through the years, recently the Law of Attraction provided a replacement body for my 1968 Ford XL hot rod project. Clearly focusing on my desired result and stating my intention, I checked Craigslist on a whim to find that the perfect car was priced right and parked only twenty minutes away. But enough about me!

Swami Sez: Begin your exploration of the Law of Attraction with Wallace Wattles' pragmatic volume, The Science of Getting Rich. Your next must-read: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Movie buff? The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is filled with many of the Law of Attraction gurus I've studied through the years. 

Hope this helps.

To your continued success!
Swami Raj